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Earth Week is a great time to think about ways we can all connect and support conservation.

We hope that you'll join us in one or more of the following ways this week: Learning, Connecting, Exploring, Committing, and Giving. We offer a number of options below that are suitable to a variety of life circumstances and interests. Whatever you are able to do at this time will make a difference for the "little things that run the world."

Enjoy the content below or read all the latest articles for Earth Week on our blog.

Thank you for being part of this important work, and a part of our community. 

Actions You Can Take to Support Invertebrate Conservation


Banner Design: Xerces Society / Jenni Denekas. Photos in banner, clockwise from top left: Xerces Society / Sarah Foltz Jordan; Libânia Pereira / Flickr CC; Mark Strobl / Flickr CC; Jarmel / Flickr CC; Laura Wolf / Flickr CC; Daniel Garcia Neto / Flickr CC; Peter Ward / University of Washington.


Image Tiles, top row: Bryan E. Reynolds, Xerces Society / Sara Morris, Bryan E. Reynolds. Second row, left to right: Xerces Society / Rachel Dunham, Xerces Society / Sara Morris, Marie Fernandez. Third row, left to right: Public Domain /, Xerces Society / Eric Lee-Mäder, Penguin Books. Fourth row, left to right: Kara Keating-Stuart, screenshot of our YouTube page, Mike Madden / Scooter's Farm of Woodmont. Fifth row, left to right: Kat Scholl, Xerces Society / Candace Fallon, cover image of the Xerces Society fact sheet Smarter Pest Management: Responding to Mosquito-Borne Disease and Protecting Pollinators.