Andrena winnemuccana is a rare species with a restricted distribution and uncertain population status. Little is known of the biology of this species.
Taxonomic Status
Andrena (Andrena) winnemuccana LaBerge 1973
The flight period of Andrena (Andrena) winnemuccana is May to June (Tepedino and Griswold, 1995). A. winnemuccana nests in the ground. (Andrenid nests usually have a series of lateral tunnels radiating from a vertical burrow. Cells are normally at the end of the lateral tunnel and lined with a waxy secretion.) The flower preferences of A. winnemuccana are unknown, although closely related members of this genus tend to specialist on crucifiers (family Brassicaceae) and it is possible that A. winnemuccana does also. It has been recorded in one habitat type within the Columbia Basin, Wyoming big sage.
Andrena winnemuccana is endemic to the northern Great Basin and Owyhee Uplands. It has been collected only once, at Owyhee Dam in Malheur County, OR.
Xerces Red List Status: Vulnerable (Data Deficient)
Other Rankings:
Canada – Species at Risk Act: N/A
Canada – provincial status: N/A
Mexico: N/A
USA – Endangered Species Act: N/A
USA – state status: N/A
NatureServe: N/A
IUCN Red List: N/A
A rare endemic species with a restricted distribution and uncertain population status.
Little is known of this species, making it difficult to assess threats. However, it is a rare species with a restricted distribution and reductions in the size or composition of habitat are likely to impact this bee.
Conservation efforts should ensure that suitable (unknown) flowering plants persist and that appropriate nesting substrate remains. Little is known of the biology of this species. Studies of both the nesting and foraging habits would be valuable.
Michener, C.D. 2000. The Bees of the World. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Tepedino, V.J., and T.L. Griswold. 1995.
The bees of the Columbia Basin. Final report, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR. 212 pp (Technical Report)
Shepherd, M. D. 2005. Species Profile: Andrena winnemuccana. In Shepherd, M. D., D. M. Vaughan, and S. H. Black (Eds). Red List of Pollinator Insects of North America. CD-ROM Version 1 (May 2005). Portland, OR: The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.
Profile prepared by Matthew Shepherd, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation