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The Science Behind the Role These Insecticides Play in Harming Bees. 2nd Edition; Revised & Expanded

Neonicotinoids are a group of insecticides used widely on farms and in urban landscapes. They are absorbed by plants and can be present in pollen and nectar, making them toxic to bees. Four years ago there was uncertainty about the impact these insecticides were having on bees. Research published since then clearly shows how neonicotinoids are killing bees or changing their behaviors.

In this report, we present an overview of research that clearly documents neonicotinoid impacts on bees. The report also covers what can be inferred from existing research, and identifies knowledge gaps that will need to be filled to allow for better-informed decisions about the future use and regulation of these chemicals.

Available With This Report

Executive Summary and Key Findings

A summary of the report is available and may be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF. The summary includes key findings and clearly documented facts from the report, as well as inferences that can be made from current research and identifies knowledge gaps that need to be filled to better inform decisions about the future use and regulation of these chemicals.

Recommendations to Protect Pollinators from Neonicotinoids

Stemming from the report we’ve compiled a list of recommendations to protect pollinators from neonicotinoids. The recommendations are broken into sections that include policy solutions, suggestions for risk assessment and research design, and general mitigation efforts that the users of neonicotinoid products can implement. The recommendations may be read online or are available for download as a PDF.

IPI Database: Examining the Impacts of Pesticides on Invertebrates

In addition to the report and recommendations, we’ve begun compiling and reviewing a list of research articles related to the impacts of pesticides on pollinators and other invertebrates. Select articles with summaries continue to be added to our new searchable database available here.


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