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Wings 37(2): Fall 2014 (Butterflies and Moths)

Essays on Invertebrate Conservation

This issue of Wings is mostly about butterflies and moths: their importance as pollinators; how atalas disappeared from south Florida and then returned; and the challenges in captive rearing of endangered invertebrates such as the quino checkerspot.

Protecting Pollinators: A Critical Issue of Our Time, by Scott Hoffman Black

Butterflies and Moths as Pollinators, by Candace Fallon, Scott Hoffman Black, and Matthew Shepherd

The Ecological and Social History of the Atala Butterfly in Southeast Florida, by Gil Pettigrew

Pupal Cells and Pumpkin Seeds: A Continuing Education in Invertebrate Zoology, by Paige Howorth

Conservation Spotlight: The Migratory Dragonfly Project

Invertebrate Notes: A roundup of new books and recent research

Staff Profile: Meet Celeste Searles Mazzacano

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