Recommended Citation: Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces) and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Mussel Project (CTUIR). [Year Accessed]. Western Freshwater Mussel Database. Available at List of contributors available at:
Data for this database was gathered from the following individuals, institutions, and staff, and peer-reviewed literature or unpublished reports. Sources may be repeated if data or information was shared by individuals in multiple capacities.
Aaron David, Adam Baldinger, Al Grant, Al Smith, Alan Launer, Alex Farrand, Alex Wenninger, Alexa Maine, Alexander Rhodes, Amanda Droghini, Amy Dawley, Amy Edwards, Andra Love, Andre Martel, Andrew Chione, Andy Bauer, Ann Gannam, Ann Gray, Art Bass, Art Bogan, Ben Scofield, Bengt Miller, Beth Glidewell, Beth Toberer, Bill Gerth, Bill Shepard, Bob Brenner, Bob Wisseman, Bonnie Pryor, Brent Johnson, Bret Harvey, Brett Blundon, Brian Bangs, Brian Lang, Bruce Hansen, Bruce Lang, Bryan Maloney, C. L. Van Eysinga, Caitlin LaBar, Caleb Price, Caleb Zurstadt, Camm Swift, Candace Fallon, Carol Evans, Carol Gelvin-Reymiller, Carol Hughes, Catherine Mandanella, Cedric Lee, Celeste Mazzacano, Chad Helms, Charlie Justus, Charlie Quinn, Chris Hogle, Christina Piotrowski, Christine Clapp, Christine O'Brien, Christy Bills, Chuti Fiedler, Cody Fleece, Cole Lindsay, Colin Dillingham, Cory Sipher, Courtney Newlon, Cynthia Tait, Dale Swedberg, Daniel Bogan, Darci Rivers-Pankratz, Darcy McNamara, Dave Hopper, Dave Plawman, David Cook, David Cowles, David Jigour, David Kennedy, David Richards, David Stagliano, David Wolfe, Denise Dammann, Donna Allard, Donna Nez, Dorene MacCoy, Doug Garletts, Doug Nemeth, Doug Post, Ed Johannes, Elizabeth Bockstiegel, Elizabeth Torrey, Emilie Blevins, Emily Davis, Emily Rahlman, Eric Andersen, Eric Starkey, Eric Wagner, Erin Kramer-Wilt, Erin Miller, Ethan Nedeau, Franchesca Perez, Frank Mullins, Frank Staller, Fred Schueler, Gary Lester, Gerald George, Glenn Miller, Gordon Edwards, Greg Wilson, Heather Robeson, Jakob Shockey, James Barron, James Smith, Jamie Bettaso, Jamie Glasgow, Jason Dunham, Jason Nuckols, Jason Wilcox, Jayne Brim Box, Jeanette Howard, Jeff Gottfried, Jeff Johnson, Jeff McEnroe, Jeff Sorensen, Jeff Ziller, Jeffrey Kee, Jennifer Heron, Jennifer Parsons, Jennifer Vanderhoof, Jeremy Lees, Jeremy Romer, Jeremy Tiemann, Jerry Mitchell, Joanne Richter, Jochen Gerber, Joe Lemanski, Joe Slusark, Joel Sauder, John Crandall, John Erhardt, John Fleckenstein, John Winkowski, Jon Ives, Jon Mageroy, Jonathan Nott, Jonathan Scordino, Jonathan Young, Jose Bartoszek, Joseph Furnish, Julie Tyson, Justin Alvarez, Justin Garwood, Justin Miles, Justin Peterson, Justin Smith, Justin Peterson, Kai Palenscar, Karen Mock, Kate Macneale, Kate Meyer, Kathy Thornburgh, Katrina Stipec, Keith Bensen, Kelly Toy, Kendra Chan, Kevin Aitkin , Kevin Cummings, Kim Frerichs Stone, Kurt Carpenter, Larry Dalton, Larry Scofield, Laura Guderyahn, Laura Johnson, Laura McMullen, Laura Rost, Laura Tesler, LaVonne Rhyneer, Lea Gelling, Lee Cain, Liam O'Brien, Linda Ward, Lindsey Groves , Lisa Torunski, Lorri Duckworth, Lorrie Haley, Maggiew Drews, Mara Zimmerman, Maria Ellis, Maria Pacioretty, Marie Winkowski, Mark LaRiviere, Mark Mouser, Mark Ports, Mary Hanson, Marylynne Kostick, Matt Bowser, Matt Hill, Matthew Baerwalde, Matthew Weeber, Melissa Olson, Michael Crawford, Michele Huff, Michele Weaver, Michelle McSwain, Michelle Steg-Geltner, Mickey Means-Brous, Mike Fitz, Mike Miles, Mike Mulvey, Mindy Allen, Miranda Plumb, Molly Hallock, Nancy Duncan, Nicole Cartwright, Patrick Norton, Patrick Quinn, Patty Morrison, Paul Norwood, Paul Pickett, Paul Scheerer, Pete Baki, Peter Bahls, Peter Hovingh, Peter Kauss, Philip Mathias, Ray Heller, Ray Kinney, Ray Perkins, Ray Rivera, Ray Temple, Reilly Newman, Renee Scherdnick, Rob Emanuel, Robin Wignall, Roger Tabor, Rollie Schmitten, Ron Constable, Roy Iwai, Russ Bellmer, Ryan Houston, Ryan Merle, Sandi Bunyard, Sarah Brandy, Scott Loarie, Shana Gross, Shanda McGraw, Shelly Miller, Sophia Kim, Stefan Kelly , Stephanie Carlson, Stephanie Eckard, Stephen Conroy, Steve Clark, Steve Hummel, Steve Lysne, Steve Stampfli, Steve Trask, Taehwan Lee, Teal Waterstrat, Terry Frest, Terry Myers, Thomas Quinn, Tierra Curry, Timothy Pearce, Todd Confer, Todd Folsom, Tom Burke, Tom Watters, Tony Macleod, Tony Spitzack, Torrey Rodgers, Travis Williams, Trevor Sheffels, Trevor Swanson, Troy Brandt, Tyler Beals, Tyler Schade, and Wendy Walsh.
Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council, Arizona Department of Fish and Game, B.C. Ministry of Environment Conservation Data Centre, Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum, Barrick Museum, Bio-Surveys, L.L.C., Brigham Young University, California Academy of Sciences Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Natural Diversity Database, Canada Ministry of the Environment, Canadian Biodiversity Information, Canadian Museum of Nature, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Cincinnati Museum Center, City of Boise, City of Portland, City of Redmond, Clean Water Services, Coast Fork Watershed Council, Coeur d'Alene Tribe, College of Western Idaho, Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Mussel Project, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs, Deixis Consultants, EcoAnalysts, ENTRIX, Field Museum of Natural History, Florida Museum of Natural History, Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Hoopa Valley Tribe, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Illinois Natural History Survey,, Interagency Special Status Sensitive Species Program, US Forest Service and US Bureau of Land Management, Karuk Tribe, King County, Kitsap County, Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership, Luckiamute Watershed Council, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Museum of the North, University of Alaska, National Park Service, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, NatureServe, Nez Perce Tribe, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, North Santiam Watershed Council, Northern Nevada Community College, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon State Arthropod Collection, Oregon State University, Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, College of Idaho, Pacific Northwest Native Freshwater Workgroup, Pierce County, Presidio Trust, Puget Sound Stream Benthos online database, R2 Resource Consultants, Redwood National and State Parks, Royal British Columbia Museum, Salt Spring Island Conservancy, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Snohomish County, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, Sonoma County Water Agency, Spring Rivers Ecological Sciences, Stanford University, Stantec, Susanville Indian Rancheria, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, The California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN), The Division of Molluscs, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University, The Nature Conservancy, Thurston County, Trinity River Restoration Program, Tuolumne Aquatic Resources Relational Inventory (TARRI), Turlock Irrigation District / Don Pedro Recreation Agency, Umpqua Watersheds, University of Alaska, University of Alaska Museum, University of Alberta, University of Arizona, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, University of Texas at El Paso, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Bureau of Land Management, US Department of Energy, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, US Geological Survey and the BISON database, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Native Aquatics Program, Utah Museum of Natural History, Utah State University, Utah State University/U.S. Bureau of Land Management BugLab, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Transportation, Wild Fish Conservancy, Willamette Riverkeeper, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Yakama Nation, Yale Peabody Museum, and Yurok Tribe.
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Last updated: February 14, 2020