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Essays on Invertebrate Conservation

“Protecting the life that sustains us” is not just a tagline for the Xerces Society; it is the principle that guides us every day. We hope that the articles in this issue of Wings will help to explain why this is important and illustrate some of the diverse ways in which we work to embody this principle. Thank you for your support of our work.

Xerces’ Holistic Approach to Conservation, by Scott Hoffman Black. Page 3.

Insect Apocalypse? What Is Really Happening; Why it Matters; and How We All Can Help, by Scott Hoffman Black. Studies from across the world show that insects are declining. There is much we do not know, but we do know enough to take action now. Page 5.

Conservation at the End of a Rainbow, by Michele Blackburn and Matthew Shepherd. Hawai‘i’s isolation and its geological history have resulted in the islands having a unique assemblage of species, and also many unique conservation needs. Page 12.

Migrating Murals, by Jane Kim (with Thayer Walker). Inspired by roadside advertising, Ink Dwell studio creates billboard-size art to celebrate wild creatures that migrate, including the monarch butterfly. Page 18.

Conservation Spotlight. Matt Forister is a professor at the University of Nevada at Reno, where he is known as the Butterfly Guy. Page 22.

Invertebrate Notes. A review of a new book about butterflies, and why fallen leaves are important. Page 23.

Staff Profile. Meet Emily Krafft, grants associate. Page 25.

Xerces News. Updates on Xerces Society projects and successes. Page 26.


Species on front cover (all photographs by Bryan E. Reynolds)

Top row: (left) mallow scrub-hairstreak (Strymon istapa); (center) mining bee (Andrena prunorum); (right) longlegged fly (genus Condylostylus).

Middle row: (left) goldenrod soldier beetle, aka Pennsylvania leatherwing (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus); (center) shield-backed bug nymphs (family Scutelleridae); (right) sweat bee (genus Lasioglossum).

Bottom row: (left) widow skimmer dragonfly (Libellula luctuosa); (center) rainbow grasshopper (Dactylotum bicolor); (right) common scorpionfly (Panorpa nuptialis).

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