Xerces Society staff share a passion for protecting insects and other invertebrates, but also a fascination with the diverse and intriguing behaviors of the animals that we work with. This issue of Wings looks at some of the ways in which we interact with insects as well as ways that we collaborate with individuals and communities to make conservation a success.
We Know How to Save Insects—We Just Need to Do It, by Scott Black. Page 3.
Insects Are a Lot Like Us, by Sarah Foltz Jordan. A central part of Xerces’ work is creating habitat—places that provide the food, shelter, and safety that insects need. In pursuing this effort, we come to realize how similar the lives of insects are to our own. Page 5.
Partnering with Communities To Protect Pollinators, by Matthew Shepherd. A quarter century ago, pollinator conservation was a seldom-discussed topic. The Xerces Society has been at the forefront of the movement that has made it a commonplace activity in communities everywhere. Page 11.
Women and Agriculture in the Midwest, by Sarah Nizzi. Women play a major role in farming and do so with a strong conservation ethic, but they face particular challenges because of their gender. Steps are being taken to remove these barriers. Page 18.
Staff Profile. Deborah Seiler, director of communications. Page 24.
Xerces News. Updates on Xerces Society projects and successes. Page 25.
Remembrances: E. O. Wilson and Tom Lovejoy. Robert Michael Pyle reflects on the contributions of two giants of the conservation world who were integral to the development of the Xerces Society. Page 29.