In an effort to keep up with the constantly expanding information available about pesticides and their impacts on pollinators and other invertebrates, the Xerces Society created the Impacts of Pesticides on Invertebrates database ( The database is a collection of summaries of recent research articles; it does not include the articles themselves, but does provide links to the publications.
Most studies included in the IPI database are focused on the effects that pesticides have on invertebrates, primarily pollinators and aquatic species. While many of the articles discuss neonicotinoids, research about other pesticides is also included. For example, we include articles that have expanded our understanding of the risks that fungicides (generally considered practically not-toxic to bees) pose to both native and managed bee populations.

The IPI database will be updated with new articles frequently as relevant research is released. This project grew out of our report How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees to serve as an extended bibliography and as a way to keep the public updated on the latest science. If you would like to recommend an article for inclusion in the database please contact us at [email protected]. We hope that this database will serve as a valuable resource for people seeking to better understand how pesticides can affect invertebrate populations and the broader ecosystems that they support.