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A bumble bee flies near several tall purple flowers.
(Photo: Kaitlin Haase)

With more than three hundred species of butterflies and around one thousand species of bees, New Mexico boasts an impressive diversity of pollinators. In the Santa Fe area, pollinator habitat has been lost due to urban development. Fortunately, many pollinators are able to thrive in urban areas where landscaping includes a diversity of native plant species free of pesticides. To this end, the Xerces Society is offering habitat kits that contain climate-smart native plants to residents and local organizations willing to commit to providing the time, labor, and space to establish these plants in yards and gardens throughout urban Santa Fe.


Learn more about current partners contributing to the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail


In addition to the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail kits, Xerces is also offering new, larger-scale New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kits for properties in Northern New Mexico to assist farmers, ranchers, conservation practitioners, tribes, and public spaces build habitat in rural and urban open spaces. 


Project proposals for the 2024 New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Kit program will be open from April 22 to June 30, 2024.


Kit Descriptions

Santa Fe Pollinator Trail Habitat Kits

We have two kits available for the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail, each featuring 32 small transplants of native perennial wildflowers and 1 native shrub/small tree. Private residences and public open spaces within or up to 1 mile from Santa Fe City limits are eligible for these kits.

  • Low Water Kit. This kit contains 4 small transplants each of 8 native wildflower species which will require little to no water once established with 1 to 2 years of seasonal watering after planting. The wildflower transplants will cover about 200 square feet when spaced 1–2 feet apart. This kit includes 1 large shrub (Apache plume), which may grow up to 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide.
  • Low to Medium Water Kit. This kit contains 4 small transplants each of 8 native wildflower species which will require little to no water once established with 1 to 2 years of seasonal watering after planting, with the exception of two species—showy milkweed and bee balm—which will require ongoing regular watering or placement in a wetter location. The wildflower transplants will cover about 200 square feet spaced 1-2 feet apart. This kit includes 1 shrub (threeleaf sumac), which may grow up to 7 feet tall and 12 feet wide. 

More information:

New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kits

We have two kits available for the Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kit program, each featuring 98 transplants of perennial wildflowers and shrubs in 5-inch tubes. The Pollinator Habitat Restoration kits are intended to be used on both working and non-working lands in northern New Mexico. This includes privately owned farms, ranches, forests, nature preserves, post-wildfire recovery areas, urban farms or community gardens, city parks, school gardens, as well as other public areas and community spaces. The kits are not intended to be used in home gardens.

  • Upland Kit. This kit contains 14 plants of 7 species in 5-inch tubes for a total of 98 plants. These species include drought-tolerant native wildflowers and shrubs, which will require little to no water once established with 1 to 2 years of watering after planting. These plants will require a total of 2,500 square feet of space total in mostly full sun. 
  • Riparian Kit. This kit contains 14 plants of 7 species in 5-inch tubes for a total of 98 plants. These species require moist soils in floodplains, wetlands, and stream banks with access to the water table. Depending on the site, these plants may require 1 to 2 years of watering after planting to establish. These plants will require a total of 4,600 square feet of space total in part to full sun.

More information:

Who are the Kits for?

Santa Fe Pollinator Trail Habitat Kits: These kits are intended to be used in yards and home gardens of residential areas and select public locations, such as schools, libraries, public gardens, nature centers, parks, etc., in Santa Fe City limits and the directly adjacent urban areas. Habitat kit program participants must have approximately 300 square feet of planting area per habitat kit to accommodate all perennials plus the tree/shrub and be able to use the entire kit on one property, but it can be divided up within the area. For example, planting the low water-use plants on the south side of your house and planting medium water-use plants on the north side is an acceptable planting strategy. 

If you rent the property where you reside, you must ask your property manager for permission to plant, plus be able to provide the contact information for the person who will maintain and provide reports on the plantings if you move. 

New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kits: These kits are intended to create or enhance pollinator habitat on working lands, public lands, tribal lands, and private/non-working lands recovering from wildfires, with landowner or land manager collaboration. This includes farms, ranches, tribal land, post-wildfire recovery areas, urban farms or gardens, city parks, school gardens, or other public areas. One upland kit requires 2,500 square feet total and one riparian kit requires 4,600 square feet total, though the plantings may be split into different areas on one property. These kits are not intended to be used in home gardens. 


How to participate in the New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Kit Program

Project proposals for the 2024 New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Kit program will be open from April 22 to June 30, 2024.

Santa Fe locations: If you are a resident who would like to plant a kit in your yard or if your organization, institution, or agency manages public space (library, school, park, nature preserve, public garden, etc.) where you would like to plant a Santa Fe Pollinator Trail kit, please fill out the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail Habitat Kit Project Proposal.

Northern New Mexico locations: If you represent a farm, ranch, tribal land, post-wildfire recovery area, urban farm or garden, city park, school garden, or other public area where you would like to plant a pollinator habitat restoration kit, please fill out the New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kit Project Proposal.

All kit partners must commit to picking up the plants at a designated pickup location in Santa Fe in August, establishing and caring for the plants, and submitting follow-up information and photos. 

We encourage project proposals that will benefit historically underserved or underrepresented communities.

Please be aware that there are a limited number of kits and not everyone who proposes a project will receive one. Participants are selected based on the project information set out in the project proposal as well as considerations such as location, maintenance plans, and outreach potential at public sites. 

If you have questions about your project’s suitability or requests for technical guidance on your project, please email [email protected].


Frequently Asked Questions

Whom should I contact if I have questions?
You can contact [email protected] with any questions about our Santa Fe pollinator trail habitat kit program.

How do I participate in the Habitat Kit Program?
To participate in either the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail Habitat Kit or the New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration Kit programs, submit a project proposal form. The form asks for information about where the kit will be planted, the size of the area, and plans for site preparation, management, and maintenance, as well as plans for pesticide risk mitigation and outreach opportunities, if applicable.

What is required of all participants?
All participants are required to plant the kit within a reasonable amount of time after receiving the kit (1–2 weeks), and to follow the plan outlined in your project proposal. Once the kit is planted, you must contact us to let us know the kit is planted, and share some photos. Participants receiving plants in any year will be contacted in the following year to provide follow-up information on the planting, such as plant survival numbers, photos of plantings, and comments on pollinator visitors. Participants will receive a Project Partner Collaborative Agreement that outlines all requirements before picking up the kit.

What plants are in the kits?
View the Kit Descriptions section above for species lists of each kit type. Kit contents are subject to change based on nursery availability.

How much space do I need for a kit?
Santa Fe Pollinator Trail Habitat Kits require a total of 300 square feet. The Upland New Mexico Pollinator Habitat Restoration kit requires 2,500 square feet, while the riparian kit requires 4,600 square feet. Kits may be planted in several locations across one property, but may not be split between multiple properties and partners.

When will the kits be available?
Kits will be available for pickup in Santa Fe in August.

How do I get my kit?
Kits will be transported from Santa Ana Native Plant Nursery and available for pick up in Santa Fe. Location TBD. 

Can I have the kit delivered to me?
No. Kits must be picked up by participants.

Can I purchase a kit on my own?
No. These kits are not available for public purchase. 

How did you decide what plants to include in the kits?
Plants were chosen to provide the best foraging resources for native pollinators in the Santa Fe area. The selection was based on numerous sources, such as technical reports, research datasets, and communications with local pollinator experts. Other considerations that determined species selection included seed availability, ease of greenhouse propagation, and fall planting suitability.

Can I get technical assistance for creating and maintaining my kit?
Yes! We are happy to help. You may contact [email protected] with questions about your project and for advice on how to ensure that your project will be successful. You can also find a variety of informational materials on our website. 

See our Santa Fe pollinator trial habitat kit planting guidance webinar and fact sheet.

I am a Santa Fe resident and would like to plant habitat kits in my yard. How many kits can I request?
Residents can request up to 2 kits for use in their home gardens and yards. 

I am a representative of a public space (school, library, yard, park, nature center, etc.) in Santa Fe and would like to plant habitat kits in this public space. How many kits can I request?
Public space organizations can request up to 4 kits for one location.

I do not live in the Santa Fe area. Am I eligible for a kit?
Unfortunately, we can only provide Sante Fe kits to people who will be planting them in urban Santa Fe. We also offer habitat kit programs in other designated areas

I do not live in the Northern New Mexico area. Am I eligible for a kit?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer these habitat kits to people outside of Northern New Mexico. We do offer habitat kit programs in other designated areas

How can I support the Xerces Habitat Kit program?
The habitat kits are possible thanks to the generosity of Xerces Society donors and members. Find out how you can support the Xerces Society at