Activity Period
The activity period of this diurnal species is not well-known. Flightless adult females, which are subterranean, likely attract males by releasing pheromones. Females may avoid coming above ground even to mate, and may mate with males through the sand instead.
This species is endemic to Florida.
The Florida scrub dark firefly is a habitat specialist associated with very dry habitats in Florida’s scrub, sandhill, and longleaf pine savannah habitats. It appears to be confined to upland ridges.
- IUCN Red List status: Vulnerable
- NatureServe status: G1G2—Critically Imperiled, SNR—State Not Ranked (Florida)
- U.S. Endangered Species Act status: Not listed
Threats to this species include habitat loss and degradation, climate change and associated drought, and trampling of flightless females.
- We need to know more about the distribution of this species. Please check out the Firefly Atlas to help us track and conserve this threatened firefly.
- Avoid pesticide use, which could harm this firefly, its habitat, or its prey.
- Advocate for the protection and restoration of Florida’s scrub, sandhill, and longleaf pine savannah habitats, which host a wide array of unique species in addition to this firefly.
- More research on population size and trend, habitats and ecology, life history, and threats is needed for this species.
Candace Fallon, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, based on the IUCN Red List assessment