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Eastern Monarch Conservation

Clusters of monarchs, at first glance, resemble brown leaves. On second glance, one realizes they are coating the branches of evergreens as they overwinter.
Overwintering monarchs cluster in the Reserva de la Biósfera Santuario Mariposa Monarca in Michoacán, Mexico. (Photo: Xerces Society / Candace Fallon)

 Monarch butterflies east of the Rocky Mountains used to number in the hundreds of millions but the population has declined by more than 80%. Loss of habitat due to genetically modified crops, overuse of herbicides and insecticides, urban, suburban and agricultural development, disease, climate change, and overwintering site degradation are the leading causes of monarch decline. The Xerces Society is working with farmers, ranchers, park and natural areas managers and gardeners across the eastern U.S. to plant milkweed and nectar plants needed for the monarch’s survival.


Managing Habitat for Pollinators

Find guidance for planning, installing, and managing habitat for monarchs and other pollinators.

Working Lands for Wildlife: Monarchs

The USDA NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program is working with agricultural producers in the Midwest and southern Great Plains to combat the decline of monarch butterflies by planting milkweed and other nectar-rich plants on private lands. Visit the Working Lands for Wildlife page to find out how you can help!

Managing Roadsides and Rights-of-Way for Monarchs

Roadsides, utility easements, and other rights of way can be managed to support monarchs and other pollinators. These spaces present opportunities to add millions of miles of high-quality habitat.

Pollinator Conservation Resources

Visit our pollinator conservation pages to learn more about how you can support pollinators in any landscape, and what we're doing to help.

Additional Resources

Project Milkweed

Visit our Project Milkweed page to learn more about milkweed, including which species are best for your region, how to grow it, and where to find it.

Monarch Nectar Plant Guides

One of the most significant actions you can take to support monarch populations is providing nectar-rich flowers and milkweed host plants. Our evidence-based monarch nectar plant lists identify the best plants for providing nectar sources for adult monarchs in your area.

Get Involved in Community Science

Everyone is welcome to support important monarch conservation efforts by contributing data. Often, all you need is a photo and internet access!